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How to apply for a student visa to study in Japan

How to apply for a student visa to study in Japan

How To Get Student Visa From Japan

Visa Determination

Short-term courses up to 90 days: Many nationalities are eligible for visa-free visits to Japan for up to 90 days. When you arrive in Japan, you will receive a sticker in your passport indicating that you are permitted to stay in the state for 90 days or three months. You might, for example, take a language course in Japan during that period. Learn more about which nationalities are qualified for visa-free travel to Japan. If you travel on a visa waiver, you must have a return ticket within 90 days.

 Citizens of certain nations, such as Germany, Ireland, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, will extend their stay in Japan by 90 days by applying to the Ministry of Justice before their first 90 days have expired.

Stays of this length are more complicated for other nationalities. Since most schools will not issue a student visa for less than 20 weeks, the only choice is to make a “visa sprint,” which involves staying in Japan for 90 days, moving to a nearby country like Korea, and then returning to Japan for another 90 days.

Long Term Courses in Japan

Long-term programs are available. For courses lasting 20 weeks (two quarters) or longer, you can and should apply for a student visa using the process outlined below. To obtain a student visa to Japan, applicants must be at least 18 years old and have finished high school or equivalent with a minimum of 12 years of schooling.

Academic Activities in Japan

It’s time to apply to a Japanese school once you’ve determined how long you want to study. If you wish to enroll in a long-term course and need a student visa, you must apply via your school. Their visa application deadline is typically around five months before the period begins, so ensure you use early enough to ensure you have enough time to complete all of the required paperwork. High-ranking language schools and universities can accept applications at any time.

You can skip stepping eight if you are taking a short-term visa waiver course in Japan.

Japanese Study Visa Application Filling

It takes steps to apply for a student visa in Japan. To begin, you must complete various visa application documents and send them to your school. The school then double-checks that your application is complete before rewriting it and sending it to Japan’s immigration authorities. Then you’ll get a Certificate of Eligibility (stage 4) that you’ll need for your visa application’s final step.

When you apply to a school or a college, you will be sent (or asked to download documents to fill out and submit to the school.

  • You fill out an application form with information about yourself and the course. Always write your name exactly as it appears on your passport.
  • Fill in your educational and occupational records on this personal history form. Fill in as much correct information as you can. Any gaps in the timeline would need to be clarified. You would also need to fill out some information about your family members on this form or a different form.
  • Your application essay aims to demonstrate why you want to study in Japan. Write more than 1-2 sentences, and if you’re a little older, include how your studies in Japan can help you advance in your career.
  • Your diploma and transcript from your most recent graduation, translated into English or Japanese.
  • If appropriate, a certificate of previous Japanese studies.
  • your valid passport copy
  • The average number of passport photos needed by schools is eight. However, digital pictures are now accepted by a few colleges.
  • Medical history although some schools need your medical account or a tuberculosis screening, many do not.
  • A letter of remittance in which you state how much money you will have in Japan and whether it will be your money or that of a guarantor. The money you mention should be enough to cover your tuition and living expenses.
  • A bank account balance certificate demonstrates that you or your guarantors have the necessary funds.
  • You or your sponsor must have proof of employment.
  • You or your guarantor must swear or pledge in writing that you will cover the required costs.

Get Your Certificate of Enrollment

After the school has approved your application, it will be sent to the immigration authorities. They’ll send you a Certificate of Enrollment, or CoE, about a month before your course begins, which you’ll need for phase 5. As soon as the CoE is released and you have paid for your first semesters, the school will give it to you. Sure, the school has the correct address on file and that you pay on time.

Application Submission 

Making a visa application at the Japanese Embassy in your home country is the final step in obtaining a student visa to Japan. In most cases, you’ll need to apply the following:

  • Your Certificate of Enrollment
  • Your travel document
  • A photograph for a passport
  • A visa application form that can be done online or by hand in block letters unless they have told you differently, write your school as guarantor “Guarantor or reference in Japan.”

Different nationalities should be subject to other laws, so please double-check with the Japanese Embassy in your country. Please note that unless your school has specifically told you otherwise, you must complete this process and obtain your visa before arriving in Japan.

If you submit a complete application, the Japanese Embassy will almost always issue you a visa. They may, however, reject you if the information is incomplete or if you have a significant criminal record, for example.

The time varies depending on when you apply, but you should use it at least two weeks before your trip to Japan.

Flight Reservation

If you submit a complete application, the Japanese Embassy will almost always issue you a visa. They may, however, reject you if the information is incomplete or if you have a significant criminal record, for example.

The time depends from person to person. It would be best you used it at least two weeks before your trip to Japan.

Arrival in Japan

When you arrive in Japan, you will be given a landing card to fill out. Make sure you have all of the correct details. You may write other research in the Purpose of Visit sector. If you come visa waiver, you might be asked more questions about your plans, but as long as you respond truthfully and don’t intend to stay in Japan for more than 90 days, you should be fine. If you write a tourism, they are unlikely to ask any questions unless you plan to stay for an extended period. If you are doing a visa run, I suggest that you seek advice from your school.