How To Get Australian Visa

How To Get Australian Visa Document-An Easy Guide

When you are travelling to a country, one of the first issues you need to solve is getting a visa document from Australia. The Visa or Visa permit is an authorization of the destination country that allows you to access and temporarily remain in it. That is, without a ticket, you cannot enter a state of which you do not have a nationality, let alone study or work.

To access Australia, therefore, you need the Visa for Australia. But there is no single visa, and there are different types and, depending on your goals in the country, you will have to apply for the one that best suits them. The problem is that the Immigration Department does not approve all applications. Thus, obtaining a visa will depend on your conditions, bilateral agreements between your country and Australia and other temporary situations, such as the volume of applications they have at any given time.

Here are the types of Australian visa permits that are issued by the immigration department. Understanding, it well can help you get your Visa for Australia.

Before applying for a visa, you should consider some aspects that could determine what type of Visa you need. Here are some terms & conditions.

The time you want to stay in the country


  • Whether you’re going alone or in company
  • Age
  • Nationality
  • Level of training and work experience
  • English level
  • Economic solvency
  • Depending on your purposes and these conditions mentioned, you have three significant types of visas for Australia:
  • Tourist or visit visa
  • Study Visa
  • Work Visa (temporary or permanent)

Now, we tell you more about each of these types of visas.

Types of Visa for Australia

Tourist visa

The tourist visa is intended for those travelling to Australia for one of the following reasons:

  • Sightseeing
  • Study for less than three months with no option to work
  • Visiting a family member or acquaintance
  • Doing business as a visitor
  • Depending on your purpose and nationality, there are two types of tourist visa you can choose from:
  • The Visitor Visa (subclass 600)
  • The eVisitor (subclass 651)

eVisitor Visa (Subclass 651)

It is free, and few candidates can obtain it from outside Australia. It usually gives in about 48 hours and allows you to stay up to one year on the condition of leaving every three months of the country.

Which countries can apply for the e-Visitor Visa

  • Most European countries between them Spain and Andorra
  • No Latin American country is listed, so in these cases, the Visitor Visa must be applied for

Student Visa for Australia

The student visa or Student Visa (subclass 500) allows you to study full-time in Australia for a minimum period of 3 months up to 5 years.

  • The main requirement is to be enrolled in a course at a government-recognized Australian educational institution.
  • Allows you to work 40 hours biweekly and full-time in the holiday season
  • Your partner and children can be included as dependants on what is called a Facto Student Visa (see couple visa below).
  • The cost of this Visa is $575 regardless of the duration of the Visa.

What can be studied with a student visa

The studies to be completed with this Visa can be of several types:

  • English courses
  • Vocational courses or VETs
  • TAFE Courses
  • Undergraduate and Graduate Studies
  • Combination of more than one course

Student visa requirements in Australia

In all cases, you must be duly enrolled in a school, have contracted student health insurance that covers your entire stay and be more than 6 years of age. Depending on your nationality and the course to choose, when applying for a student visa, the Australian Immigration Department may ask you to:

  • Demonstration of economic funds
  • Medical and biometric tests
  • Other documentation

 Working with a student visa in Australia

The Student Visa allows you from the age of 18, to work 40 baseman hours in periods of study and full-time in holiday periods.

For example, if you take a 4-month English course and then have a final month’s vacation, you’ll be able to work on average 20 hours a week legally during the months that your period lasts and full-time with no time limit on the last month of vacation.

Working with the tourist visa

It is possible to work with a tourist visa in Australia. The answer is that it is not allowed and that it is illegal. If your purpose is to be able to work in Australia, this is not the Visa you need.

 What if I work in Australia on a tourist visa

If you decide to take that risk, you’re exposed to being deported by Australian authorities and not being allowed to enter Australia or other countries like Canada, the United States or New Zealand for 10 years.

Visitor Visa (Subclass 600)

It allows you to enter Australia for sightseeing, visiting a family member or taking a business trip for a time of 3, 6 or 12 months. It can be ordered from inside or outside Australia.

Cost of the Visitor Visa 600

  • $140 if requested from outside Australia (offshore)
  • $345 if requested from within Australia (onshore)

Requirements to obtain the Visitor Visa

Supporting documents must always be submitted for the application of 600 visas from outside Australia:

  • Financial sources, pay settlements, recent annual tax returns (if applicable).
  • If you are employed, a letter from the employer indicating the type of contract, seniority, and salary and holiday period granted.
  • Suppose you use this Visa as a student. In that case, you must present the certificate of the school, university or institute where you are going to study if you are going to visit family or friends, invitation letter. Suppose your family member or friend pays for your stay in Australia. You must prove that the funds are available to cover these expenses.

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